Hi! Welcome to my new blog. In starting it, I find myself feeling extremely self-conscious. Do I really have anything useful or interesting to add to the obscene amount of information already on the internet? Am I really so conceited to think I’m not just adding one more voice to a chorus that’s already too loud and also kind of annoying?
I won’t worry too much about it yet, because if you’re reading this blog right now, you are almost certainly my mother. On the other hand, I expect to one day reach a significantly larger audience: that is, the other members of my immediate family. Can I really expect them to add me to their bloated RSS feeds?
For now I can at least hope. But luckily, this blog is really just an excuse for me to pretend I have an audience to write for. Because I realized some time after starting music school that I actually miss writing about all the awesome and interesting things in the world. And I’d hate to lose the ability to do so coherently (if I haven’t already).
So every so often I’ll write my thoughts about soccer, science, philosophy, music, or whatever else is on my mind. Especially when I have free time. But especially when I don’t, but need to procrastinate. And I’ll post links too (mostly taken from my sister’s facebook wall). I hope you enjoy, and I’d love to hear what you think either way.
I am not your mother and I think I should get credit for being the first non - maternal follower. Looking forward to reading your stuff. I'm already hooked :)
ReplyDelete"Am I really so conceited"
ReplyDelete- Yes.
Nevertheless, I'm glad you're doing this. You will join the narrow conduit between me and the world, currently consisting of Jon Stewart.
My facebook posts will finally find an audience! Hooray!